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Select: Leiden, NL
Select: Amsterdam, NL

Looking for the best way to book a Leiden to Amsterdam train ticket? At, we offer fast and affordable bookings, making departures from railway stations within Leiden a breeze. Find tickets from Leiden Central, Leiden De Vink or Leiden Lammenschans to arrive at many stations within Amsterdam including Amsterdam Central, Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam Sloterdijk or many others. Get your ticket now through our hassle-free booking form and discover The Netherlands by train!
Route Details
From 40m
NS Nederlandse Spoorwegen
Leiden Central
Leiden Centraal Train Station, Stationsplein 1-24, Leiden & others
Both Directions
This route is available to book in both directions
Amsterdam Central
Amsterdam Centraal Train Station, Stationsplein, 1012 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands & others
Departures Stations:
- Leiden Central
- Leiden De Vink
- Leiden Lammenschans
Arrival Stations:
- Amsterdam Central
- Amsterdam Sloterdijk
- Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
- Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA
- Amsterdam Amstel
- Amsterdam Hoofddorp
- Amsterdam RAI
- Amsterdam Holendrecht
- Amsterdam South
- Amsterdam Lelylaan
- Amsterdam Science Park
- Amsterdam Muiderpoort